OPal (ONGC Petro Additions Ltd) Rect 2023 Released, Apply Online

OPal (ONGC Petro Additions Ltd) Rect 2023 Released, Apply Online:ONGC Petro Additions Limited Apprentice Notification 2023 has released for Notification for engagement of Apprentices under The Apprentices Act, 1961

Post Name
  • Apprentice

Salary or Stipend
  • The apprentice will be given stipend of Rs. 8,050/- per month up to his enagement in OPaL under apprenticeship as per Apprentice Act, 1961, Apprentice Rules 1992 as amended time to time during their engagement period.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Only those applicants would be considered for the seats against a Discipline/ Trade (Column A at table given below) who possess the essential qualification (as specified in Column B at table given below) in the same trade.
  • The qualification prescribed shall be from a recognized Industrial Training Institute (affiliated with NCVT or GCVT) as full time, regular course only.
  • Candidates with qualification acquired through Distance Learning mode or Part time mode or Correspondence Mode shall not be considered.
  • The essential qualification ITI MUST be acquired in the year 2020 or later.
  • The applicant must have obtained minimum 60% marks in aggregate in the essential qualification applicable for the advertised posts.
  • The applicant should NOT have undergone Apprenticeship earlier or pursuing Apprenticeship Training, in any organisation as per The Apprentices Act, 1961/1973 as amended from time to time.
  • Candidates, who have undergone training or job experience for a period of one year or more after acquiring the prescribed qualifications, shall NOT be eligible for being engaged as Trade Apprentice

Age Limit
  • Age: Applicant should not be less than eighteen years (18) of age as on 01.04.2023 and should not be more than twenty one (21)years of age as on 01.04.2023. That is, the Date of Birth of the applicants should be between 01/04/2002 to 01/04/2005 only.

Selection Process
  • The Applicants meeting the above mentioned criteria shall be required to undergo written test. The selection will be based on the performance in written test and personal interview.
  • Candidates will be offered the apprenticeship in order of merit.
  • 20% of the seat of the total requirements to be kept reserved for applicants from Ambetha and Suva villages of Vagra Taluka who are meeting the published eligibility criteria. In case of receiving more applications from these villages, their selection will be based on merit as defined above and seat allocated for these villages shall not be increased. In other scenario of non-receiving sufficient applications from these villages, the vacant reserved seat shall be allotted to applicants (other than Ambetha/Suva) in the order of merit as defined above.
Important Dates

  • Last date : 11/08/2023 (Midnight 24:00 hrs)

Important Links

Download Notification: Click Here

Apply online: Click Here